Rajika Mahan

How to Manifest What You Want

Have you ever been in a dark room and you began to feel so sleepy? Or maybe you have watched a movie that left you feeling strong emotions such as sadness, fear, or happiness? In order to manifest the life we would love we must surround ourselves with people with the level of energy we would love to experience ourselves.

Maybe you have felt yourself struggling? Maybe in several areas? And when you look around all your friends are struggling with similar issues? And while you think you should feel grateful because you have people experiencing similar things and they “understand,” instead you don’t feel good at all and you wonder what’s missing.

The energy we choose to surround ourselves with is the energy that we also experience ourselves. So if we surround ourselves with positive and happy people, we will feel more positivity and happiness. If we surround ourselves with dramatic people, we may also feel ourselves feeling more dramatic and soon we are exhibiting similar behavior.

By choosing to be around people who are positive and uplifting, we help ourselves expand into that arena too, and in turn we help the people around us to experience a more positive and uplifting life.

  • Do you want to experience success in your life? Surround yourself with “successful” people.
  • Do you want a life filled with laughter and joy? Surround yourself with people who make you laugh and bring you joy.
  • Do you want a life filled with blessings? Be a blessing to others and the blessings will come back to you.

There is energy surrounding all of us and learning how to get the most out of our energy can be life changing.


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