Rajika Mahan



Outstanding Speaker

Whether it’s a short 10-minute talk, a ‘Lunch & Learn’ training, motivating keynote speech or full day workshop – your group, organization, or company can be assured of an absolutely transformational experience with lasting results.

In Rajika’s talks you’ll discover…

A Speaking Experience Tailored Specifically for Your Audience

Just as there are no two people alike, there are no two organizations or companies who are exactly alike. Each has their own set of challenges, obstacles, and cultures that have been created. Rajika will create an experience uniquely tailored for your organization’s specific goals, challenges, victories and setbacks.

During these interactive talks, the audience will participate in a number of exercises designed to give them clarity of what they want to achieve and how to start down the path to their dream life. They will leave with a sense of excitement, motivation and tools they can use now to achieve their goals.

Rajika’s presentations can be tailored from 10 minutes up to a full day workshop. Click below to set up a call to explore the possibilities for your next event, and to download the Speaker Kit.

Book Rajika for Your Next Speaking Event

Client Love

The program shifted my mindset in a way that I could never go back to. The best part is, Rajika and this program is neither “hokey” nor “culty.” They are genuine, practical and all of it is doable. The program has this funny but great way of putting your “dream” self in the driver’s seat of the car that is your authentic self. Rajika is the passenger keeping you on your course.
Monique L.
I truly feel like a different person. So balanced in every sense of the word. The biggest difference is that the constant churn of anxiety and over analyzing my thoughts is gone. For the most part at least. I know it’s going to be a lifelong journey. Now when people give me opinions I don’t ask for, I just thank them and recognize that I don’t need to have a reaction and just be grateful that they are in my life. I feel like we have created a much stronger connection with my instinct, and I really do “trust my gut”.
Cristina, Boston, MA
Under Rajika's expert coaching, I rediscovered my purpose and gained a newfound clarity of vision. Rajika's coaching style is both insightful and empathetic. She has a remarkable ability to ask the right questions and provide valuable perspectives that challenged me to think deeper and take meaningful actions. With her encouragement, I was able to set a clear vision for my purpose, practice daily intentions, overcome obstacles, and step out of my comfort zone.
Dip C.